Friday, December 28, 2012

Oscar Asbanu

It was a very hot day in Adelaide. I was walking around Rundle Mall, taking photos of buskers. This guy is the last one I came across. I have seen this guy numerous times over the years busking in Rundle Mall, but never got to really appreciate what he does. This particular day he was playing the didgeridoo and drum so hard you can feel his passion for the music. The unforgiving sun was shining on him, and he was drenched in sweat. Still he carried on, determined that his music will somehow stop people in their tracks and may be donate some coins. He did. a small crowd gathered around him and some put money in his bag on the ground. It was an extraordinary sight to witness.

When I processed this photo I googled him. He busks for his passion for music,  but also he actually donates some of his earnings to a charity back in his home country West Timor. His name, is Oscar Asbanu.

"Oscar Asbanu"
"Oscar Asbanu 2"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Penangkia Photography Year In Review 2012

It seems like everyone is doing their photography year in review, so I thought I might get off my lazy arse and do mine too!

At first I thought, what should I write/include? I didn't think I had that much done photography wise this year due to very busy and stressful time at work (changed jobs TWICE this year, which is a first to me!). Then I thought, just fire up that external HDD and dig through the thousands and thousands of photos as I write this up! I guess that will work!

The first 'project' I've done this year would be when I went back to Malaysia for Chinese New Year, and I think this will be my project every year. That is if I go back, but I won't be going back during CNY in 2013 :(. Malaysia has so much to offer, and with its multicultural communities and unique lifestyle the country is one of the best in the world to take photos of. Buildings, food, people, CNY decorations, landscapes, historic places, famous tourist spots, you name it, Malaysia's got it! Here are some of the best photos that I've taken during that period, and feel free to browse the whole "Malaysia Truly Asia" album on Google+!

"Penang, Food Heaven"
"I See Land!"
"Pinang Peranakan Mansion - Living Quarters"

I was really pleased with the results I got for that album, and I got into contact with another photographer from Malaysia Alex Lim, and together we setup the Malaysian Explorers page over at G+. However, due to lack of support and time, and lack of constant updates (partly because I AM overseas), the page has been abandoned. However it is one of the many things I would like to revive in 2013.

Well after I came back to Adelaide I've been to quite a few little photo adventures (as I like to call them) by myself. I've produced some pretty satisfying photos, but I felt that something was missing. I felt lonely.

"Summer Paradise"
"United We Stand"

In June, my partner and I went to one of the most beautiful places in Australia: Far North Queensland. We stayed in Palm Cove for a few days and that place is like paradise. No stress, just relaxing time. We did a few day-road trips chasing waterfalls and stuff, and I was really excited with taking lots and lots of photos. However, when I came home and edited the photos I was frustrated by my lack of on-the-field proper skills, with some shots that I thought would be good totally ruined. A lot of factors came in, like we went at the wrong time of day, rushing the shots and compositions etc, but I know that I have to improve more. Still I've got some pretty nice shots.

"Sunset In Paradise"
"Sunny Palm Beach"
"St Mary's By The Sea"
"Washed Up"
"Ellinjaa Falls"

The next few months proved to be my most rewarding yet. I found what I was looking for earlier in the year: a photography buddy! Edward Chew and I met through the internet, and we found out that we're both in South Australia. So we met up, and went on numerous photo adventures. I don't know if it's the company or what, but having him around actually improved my skills on the field, even though we almost never really talk to each other when shooting. And in the mean time, I was also motivated to setup my own website and this blog, even though the website has not been attended for a while (another thing I would definitely pick up again in the new year). Edward and I went on and became really good friends, all those long talks about photography and then later about life itself, about our family, friends, etc. Our friendship evolved beyond just "photography buddy". He has become my best friend. Sadly, he graduated from uni, and he has gone back to Malaysia for good. So I'm back to square one, alone in my photographic journey. I will definitely miss all the times we spent going on the photo adventures, and we promise each other that when i go back to Malaysia for holidays we will go photoshooting together! Looking forward to that!

"Secret Entrance to Hobbiton"
"Jagged Ruins 1"
"Stairway To Atlantis"
"Perfect Shot"
"O'Sullivan Beach Sunset"

Recently, late in the year, I have also taken a liking to street photography, and that is certainly something I would explore more. The results are pretty satisfying.

"Place For Style"
"Big Yellow Taxi"
"The Violinist"

And with that, I can confidently say that it's been a GREAT year for me photography wise, despite some minor hardships with my job and life. I really look forward to another awesome year in 2013, and hope that something will jump start and propel my photography career into new heights! And of course I also would love to meet and make new photography buddies!

PS: Special thanks to some people that keep on supporting me and also inspire me: my partner Alicia Tan, Everlook PhotographyEdward Chew, Danny XeeroHDR Shooter (Miroslav Petrasko), and many other great friends I've made on the internet, and of course, YOU!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas!

During this festive season, I'd like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay safe and live well, be happy and be careful (not to eat/drink/spend too much!).

"XMas in Arcade"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

"The Violinist"

When I saw this boy playing violin at Rundle Mall I knew that I HAD to take a photo of him. As soon as he saw me pointing my camera at him, he turned to me and gave me his best smile. For some unknown reasons, that made my day. It's like he has magic that makes everyone happy!

"The Violinist"

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

"O'Halloran Hill Summer"

I finally have reliable internet since moving into the new place, MY OWN PLACE. It feels so good!

Lately I've been so addicted to street photography, especially taking photos of buskers at Rundle Mall. However, I really miss the times when I do a little road trip to somewhere to shoot some landscapes. Landscape photography is still my passion.

You know when you see a scene and know immediately that you HAVE TO take a photo of the scene at that particular instance? I had one of those the other day. I was delivering lunch to my fiance's work and I saw this just right outside her workplace. I was lucky I had my camera with me. Some may think the brown, dead grass of summer looks boring, but I beg to differ. The brown went very well with the little bit of green that was left, and the 2 isolated farmhouse added to the scene. It was a very gloomy, overcast day, but in this case it was the perfect weather as the light is even throughout the scene, and gives the viewer a unique sense of calm.

"O'Halloran Hill Summer"